Thursday, October 22, 2009

This is your life | Matt & Joy | Portland Portrait Photographer

Matt and Joy are two of the sweetest people and we were so happy to photograph them before their little girl Isla Mae arrives. We even got a shot of their little dog Lucy.


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Congrats Matt and Joy!
i and m


  1. Love the first shot!! VEry cool! great job you guys!

  2. Personally I clicked on this to see it because of the "I" photo. Do you have an "M" as well? Ok, yea I just scrolled up again and love the bottom two. The light in her hair is nice and totally the "I". Lookin' good my friend.

  3. yeah, we do actually have an M too, but it worked out perfect because her baby is Isla. We were about to head out for the shoot when I saw the prop and I'm like we gotta take this!!!
